
July 06, 2004

why the VP pick is like The Bachelor

Having apparently created the widespread belief that it was going to be Gephardt, picking Edwards creates drama and excitement as Kerry picks the man with whom he has less chemistry, but thinks he has a better long-term future with.

Anyone who watched the now stale ABC show The Bachelor will be familiar with the storyline, exemplified in the Trista and Ryan Bachelortte series.

For weeks, it appeared that Trista's heart was set on Charlie, and there were many shots of Ryan being prepared for the inevitable Rose Ceremony/Garden (see, it is just like politics) disappointment where he would be rejected.

Underlying all this was the cultivated sense that Ryan would be the better choice, probably the audience's choice.

All of which kept you watching until the final episode where surprise, surprise ... you found out that it was just clever editing that made you believe Trista was choosing Charlie, she chose Ryan all along, and by all recent accounts they're still together.

Not only this, but Charlie/Gephardt was the safe, older man whereas Ryan/Edwards was the younger, tousle haired babe.

No doubt Daniel Drezner can come up with his own pop-culture interpretation of the choice ...

Posted by robe0419 at July 6, 2004 11:13 AM | TrackBack
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