
October 22, 2004

More on that Churchill analogy

You're probably tired of this, but I'm not finished with why the analogy of Bush to Churchill is just silly. Yet people keep making it, often in conjunction with the point that the "war on terror" is like World War II.

The premise -- that the war on terror is like World War II -- is ridiculous on its face. The ideological threat from radical Islamic groups is grave, but the mortal consequences are smaller. More people will die from the shortage of flu vaccine than from terrorism. Terrorism is not the mortal threat to democracy that Nazi Germany could have been.

Moreover, when World War II began Britain could only count on France. It ill-behoves Republicans now to criticize the Roosevelt administration for not getting involved sooner when it was Midwestern Republican Senators who were the strongest voices in support of keeping America out of the war.

Churchill was also the junior partner in the Atlatntic Alliance. If we're going to compare World War II to the war on terror it might help to remember Roosevelt and the Four Freedoms as well. Or would that be conceding that Democrats can win wars too?

Posted by robe0419 at October 22, 2004 01:51 PM | TrackBack
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