Sometimes reading the papers, and subsequent political discussion in New Zealand makes your head spin.
There's a Labour [liberal/social democrat] government. It's running massive surpluses, and the ratio of government spending to GDP is falling. Unemployment is down to 3.8%. Labor force participation is up.
The dark lining on the silver cloud is that if more skilled workers don't migrate from abroad growth might slow. So, any young people out there looking for a job who speak passable English (even with a Midwestern accent), immigrate there now!!
Posted by robe0419 at November 10, 2004 07:33 PM | TrackBackAll warm blooded people wanted... the more the better. Things are going really well. :)
Posted by: Jordan at November 10, 2004 08:35 PMNew Zealand has a great Prime Minister at present. The current government is sensible and forward looking. Corruption does not exist. Immigration, mainly from Asian and Polinesian countries is driving real estate prices up.
Be quick!
I think there are a lot of Americans looking at this option at the moment. See for the details.
Posted by: Mike at November 14, 2004 07:21 PM