
November 17, 2004


Excellent article (subscription only) about undecided voters in Wisconsin.

There is, it turns out, an explanation for those Bush/Feingold voters. Totally unsurprisingly, it turns out that people who voted for George Bush and Russ Feingold are not evaluating politicians in terms of their ability to deliver specific benefits or implement specific policies! Who would have thought ...

Posted by robe0419 at November 17, 2004 09:30 AM | TrackBack

That was a very interesting article. While I agree with Bush/Feingold voters that Feingold has backbone, I cannot even comprehend using this as the sole criteria for choosing a candidate. Usually someone with backbone who disagrees with one's own political ideology is obstinate or stubborn.

Posted by: Tim at November 17, 2004 11:29 AM
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