
December 14, 2004

Shopping your politics (again)

Via Crooked Timber a Chicago Tribune article that looks at a new site for people interested in buying from Democrat-donating companies: Choose the Blue.

Now you can find out which tobacco companies prefer Democrats

For these actions to work you really have to let companies know why you're shopping elsewhere. A polite letter would do the trick.

The recent Civil Unions campaign in New Zealand had this very nifty e-mail generator that asked you a set of questions about your demographic profile and political leanings, and then generated a customized letter to send to MPs. That kind of thing -- more personal than the standard mass letter, less effort than writing it yourself -- is what these sites need to have to take the message one step further.

Poking round Choose the Blue reveals some interesting patterns of donations by industry.

It's no surprise that workshop equipment manufacturers give so strongly to Republicans, but why is it that the Bed, Bath and Kitchen industry donates to Democrats while Home Furnishings give to Republicans?

Other mysteries: Why is Progressive one of two auto insurance companies to donate to Democrats. Should Democrats tout the fact that employees of the National Enquirer and Weekly World News overwhelmingly gave to the Democratic party?

Posted by robe0419 at December 14, 2004 01:37 PM | TrackBack

Choose the blue looks like an interesting/ambitious project. Before anyone trades his Camels for a pack of Liggets, I hope he considers that tobacco companies, like other companies, donate money because they want influence, not because they necesarrily care about Democratic or Republican causes.

I'll also bet a nickel that geography has influence on giving. i.e. If you're a Minneapolis-based company, don't bother giving to a Republican Congressional candidate. He's not going to win in your district.

Interesting project nonetheless.

Posted by: Carl/Qwerty at December 14, 2004 02:03 PM
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