As was clear well before the actual broadcast, the nation's children were subjected to about five minutes worth of suggestive advertising for "erectile dysfunction." Last year if the children happened to be looking at the right moment, they saw about 2 seconds worth of nipple. Yet not a peep from the self-appointed guardians of the nation's morality about the shocking obscenities children were forced to see when watching a family-friendly sporting event.
Anyone who has been awake in a graduate social science or humanities course in the past decade may be able to discern the influence of gender in this chain of events.
Anyone who has been paying attention the past four years to what guides and motivates the nation's politics might also note that erectile dysfunction drugs are produced by pharmaceutical companies who give large donations to the current ruling party. This may have something to do with the absence of outrage at such early-evening broadcasting of sexual content.
The Ameriquest ad with the not-dead, just-covered-in-sauce cat was the best. Indeed, all the Ameriquest ads were good.
The military parade and fly-over at the start was a little worrying. As was the "Thank-you" ad from Anheuser-Busch. I will never get elected to public office in most parts of the country with that attitude, but that's ok!
Posted by robe0419 at February 7, 2005 12:58 PM | TrackBackThe flyover was an advertisement as well. Check out the proposed $15.5billion cut in funding for the F-22. And you thought $2.4million commercials were scary?
Posted by: Mike at February 7, 2005 01:02 PMAren't you an atheist? You can't get elected anywhere in this country.
Posted by: Tim at February 7, 2005 09:49 PM