This story, about a man sexually assaulting sheep (via Eschaton), is sad and bizarre.
In the same way that Americans make jokes about Canadians being lumberjacks and hockey players, New Zealanders and Australians are accustomed to making jokes that buggery of sheep is prevalent in the other country. (Search for 'sheep' on any of the linked pages to find them).
Other than that very sophisticated, cosmopolitan countries ...
Two guys who lived next to me in the dorm when I was an undergrad were joining a fraternity and suffering all the hazing that went with it. One night, at about 2 AM, I remember hearing one of them say, "We have to bring a blindfold and a condom? I am not going to f*** a sheep!" I never heard what actually transpired that night, with the secrecy of initiation rites and all. But, when all was said and done, they did get to be members of that illustrious fraternal organization.
Posted by: Jim at March 10, 2005 10:41 AMWhere you got sheep, sheep-shagging jokes will follow. (On a postcard: "Wales: where the men are men... and the sheep are scared". Yeah, I bought it. Sorry.) And it's not just tourists and outsiders taking the piss: everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who... It's just part of the culture, right?
Posted by: Sharon at March 10, 2005 11:06 AM