
April 12, 2005

Taking the bus

Wouldn't the bus be even safer than an SUV?

A Matt Yglesias post on gas prices making less people buy SUVs makes me think of that ridiculous family-man-on-the-street argument that you can hear on the TV news regularly at the moment when they interview people who are "suffering" with the high gas prices and then claim they had to buy a gas guzzling SUV to keep their family safe in a bigger car. Ignore for a moment that this is not true.

But suppose it was true that bigger=safer. Shouldn't these people be hauling themselves only as far as the bus stop, or park and ride, or light rail station, and getting on transit? I mean, the bus is a whole lot bigger than even a Hummer ...

Posted by robe0419 at April 12, 2005 12:32 PM | TrackBack
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