
April 19, 2005

No wonder they don't understand!

Despite five years here the English I speak has more in common with the South than the Great Lakes. Some of the questions are a little odd -- "soda" should be Midwestern, I think.

Your Linguistic Profile:

45% General American English
35% Yankee
20% Dixie
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Posted by robe0419 at April 19, 2005 09:20 AM | TrackBack

Here's what it told me: 65% General American English, 20% Upper Midwestern, 10% Midwestern, 5% Yankee, 0% Dixie.. This would seem to be about right, since I was born and raised (18 years) in northern Illinois (150 miles south and I probably would have had some Dixie inflections), and have since then lived in Iowa (11 years) and Minnesota (13 years). Interesting to see that my other two years, in New York, didn't turn me into much of a damn Yankee--although at just under 5% of my life, a 5% influence is eerily on-target....

Posted by: Tim at April 19, 2005 07:38 PM
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