
August 09, 2005

Best $4.95 I ever spent

It's the biennial IAAF World Championships in Athletics (track and field) this week, so posting may be light.

For the bargain price of $4.95 U.S. residents can watch streaming and archived video of the whole meet.

As I say, best $4.95 I ever spent to watch a 150 x 150 pixel screen of genetic freaks running, throwing and jumping faster and further than the rest of us ever could. If you don't want to pony up the $4.95, live outside the U.S., or have a slow internet connection, the IAAF has streaming radio available for free.

It's money well spent because the local TV news I occasionally watch regularly reports on a certain local football team's summer practice sessions before they report on actual, competive play in "America's pastime": baseball. Amazing!

So, the chances of seeing a report on the World Championships run of Katie McGregor would be slim to none. You know, she only finished 14th in the world. Far more important to watch 360lb men practice waddling and crashing into rubber dummies in 90 degree weather. Yeah.

Posted by robe0419 at August 9, 2005 04:38 PM | TrackBack

A friend of mine was just lamenting that triathlons don't get shown on OLN like the TDF does. I countered with the idea that triathlons, like time trials are probably not terribly interesting to watch on TV. So I'm curious to hear how the Track and Field stuff turns out.

Posted by: sascha at August 9, 2005 07:32 PM
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