
August 29, 2005


Among the activities that have diverted me to the mostly-picture, little-text entries (a picture is worth 1000 words, right?) is that it is Minnesota State Fair time. I've already been once. There might be another couple of trips. Always good times at the State Fair.

Still waiting for them to introduce the multi-day visit ticket ... If they sold a $20 ticket that would let you visit several times over the life of the event, I'd be a taker. I'm sure there would be many others. There's only so much food you can try at any one time at the fair, and if you can visit multiple times you can try more tasty things. The deep fried candy bars are still good.

The Strib has a neat article today on new eats at the fair. Some of these sound promising!

Another favorite at the fair is the Miracle of Birth. On Thursday only 2 lots of lambs and one litter of piglets had been born. There should be more at the next visit.

Posted by robe0419 at August 29, 2005 12:02 PM | TrackBack

Mmmmm....Snickers on a stick...

Posted by: Yvette at August 29, 2005 02:31 PM

Feeling a little homesick for lamb roast are we?

Posted by: Dan Hill at August 30, 2005 11:52 PM
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