
September 21, 2005

Watching the river road

Seems like demands for improvements to the West River Road are gathering force.

While they're at the project they could replace the concrete (!) pedestrian paths with asphalt ones. When I'm not running on the trail beneath the road, or the grass strip between the river road and Edmund Blvd, I'm on the bike path.

You will never catch me on the pedestrian path. I'm not going to accumulate any more impact on my legs than I have to, and they reckon concrete is several times worse for your bones and joints than even asphalt.

By way of today's trivial cultural exchange between our two great countries, most of the pavements/sidewalks in New Zealand are asphalt, not concrete. Of course the trail running is something else again, so I never did run much on the pavement.

Posted by robe0419 at September 21, 2005 04:08 PM | TrackBack

Actually, I'd like to demand that the absolutely wretched stretch of Minnehaha parkway be torn up and replaced! They patched all the 2 foot deep holes in the road and now we have big, asphalt bumps every 12 inches instead. It's an improvement, but just barely.

Posted by: sascha at September 21, 2005 11:09 PM
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