
October 24, 2005

On America's pastime

A couple of quick thoughts on the World Series.

(1) Instant replays don't solve all problems. They've had them in cricket for years, decades, since the last century, and there are still many occasions when the benefit of the doubt has to go to the batter. When in doubt, not out. This isn't to say that instant replays are a bad idea, they're probably a good one, unless you hold to some romantic notion that sports should never adopt new technology. But just so we all have our expectations in the right place. Americans place a lot of faith in technology resolving social problems. Sometimes that is misplaced faith.

(2) Salon also links to these nifty state-by-state poll results showing people's responses to the question, "Which team will win the World Series?" Now, I think it's interesting that in Minnesota and the Dakotas, Ohio, and Kansas—the home of three of four of the White Sox' Central division rivals—predict relatively strongly that the Astros will win. Whereas in Missouri, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania—the home of three of five of the Astro's Central division rivals—there is strong support for the White Sox to win the World Series. Kentucky and West Virginia, close to the Cincinnati Reds also in the Central Division, also pick the White Sox, if only narrowly. Illinois, of course, plumps 70 to 30 in predicting the White Sox will win.

My point is that there seems to be some evidence that a lot of people may be responding to a slightly different question, and picking that their divisional rivals will lose.

I think this is nuts. It looks way better for the Twins' season if the White Sox win, because then the Twins lost to the champion. If the Astros win, then you have to say that the Twins lost to the losing team in the World Series. Much better to console yourself with the thought that your team lost to the World Champions.

Posted by robe0419 at October 24, 2005 05:32 PM | TrackBack

Or it could be Twins fans saying, "I've seen those guys (the White Sox) - they're not that great. The Astros must be better."

Posted by: Tim at October 24, 2005 06:21 PM

I agree about "instant replay" not solving anything, but how about a little honesty from the players, then? If the pitch doesn't hit you, but the ump says take a base, I understand the temptation to take the base. But isn't that exactly what it is? A temptation to be resisted? Or at least a moral dilemma? Shouldn't you settle the debate yourself by saying, "It only hit my bat."

Maybe I'm just embittered by a particular play last night ... Maybe.

Posted by: Caleb at October 24, 2005 08:57 PM
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