
November 09, 2005

Living history

Waiting to get a flu shot yesterday a colleague observed to me that as an historian perhaps I would enjoy the upcoming flu pandemic because then we could see what the 1918 pandemic was like.

Indeed! Since we seemed to be having a replay of the Scopes trial in Dover (PA) until the "intelligent design" supporting board members were turned out of office yesterday, why not have the flu. I also look forward to a depression with widespread poverty, and the government stamping out rebellions by homeless veterans, Japan invading China, not to mention fine jazz and great literature ...

Posted by robe0419 at November 9, 2005 02:55 PM | TrackBack

Of course this could also go down in history just like the Swine Flu pandemic of 1976 that din't happen.

Posted by: Jim in Juneau at November 10, 2005 07:01 PM
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