
December 15, 2005

Historical medical literature

More cool historical databases. This time, online. Today I discovered IndexCat which indexes medical literature from 1880 to 1961.

While not relevant to everyone's research, medical journals have broader content than some might expect. For example, they will sometimes report on government and politics (especially as it relates to what we would now call health policy), issues of race and ethnicity, and social and economic conditions.

For example, I found a few useful references just searching on 'women' and 'industry' from around the time of World War I. In the manufacturing trade journals I found some concern expressed as more women moved into jobs in heavy industries, about (1) the impact industry would have on their and their children's health, and (2) women's capacities to do "heavy" work. Some of this debate is echoed in the medical and health literature.

Posted by robe0419 at December 15, 2005 05:36 PM | TrackBack
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