PRB World Pop Sheet, 1997 (a quick lesson on hope and truth)


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PRB World Pop Sheet, 1997 (a quick lesson on hope and truth)

Demographic transitions in historical perspective: fertility, epidemiology, and mortality

Malthus, Marx, and Boserup vs. the Billions

Three social philosophers: Malthus, Marx and Boserup

Three social philosophers: Malthus, Marx and Boserup

Demographic transition: phase shifts in mortality and fertility

Population (in millions) by world regions, 1950 - 95

Fertility transitions in 15 countries: 1962-1995

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Three fertility transitions in Latin America, compared with USA

Transitions, revolutions, baby booms, and busts: Cuba, Mexico & USA

Politics, fertility and transition in Mexico, 1895-1995

Cuban Revolution: Baby boom (1960-1970) and bust (1977-)

Fertility decline in Latin America, 1952 - 1992

Mexico’s fertility transition: 7 children in 1970 to 3.2 in 1992

Age patterns of fertility: USA, 1988 and 1970 vs. Mexico

Mexico’s fertility in 1971 lagged USA by a century

By 1992, Mexico lagged USA by 2 - 3 decades.

Fertility of married Mexican women by educational levels compared with natural fertility

The educational revolution will precipitate further declines in Mexican fertility rates

The fertility transition in China, Mexico, India, Bangladesh, and Nigeria: 1962-1995

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The Age of Pestilence and Famine: an example from colonial Mexico

Second example, 1630-1930 (northern Mexico)

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Mortality transitions: Examples from Latin America

Life Expectancy, 1900-1980, 4 LA countries (unequal in 1900; now converging)

The Mortality transition in Mexico: catching up with the USA

Infant mortality declined from 13% in 1950 to 3% in 1992 (still more than 3 times the US rate).

Does HIV/AIDS contradict the epidemiological paradigm (see Bongaarts in PDR 3/96)?


Author: Department of History


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