United States 1970 Industry Codes

000   N/A (not applicable)

017   Agricultural production
018   Agricultural services, except horticultural
019   Horticultural services
027   Forestry
028   Fisheries
029   Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries--allocated

047   Metal mining
048   Coal mining
049   Crude petroleum and natural gas extractions
057   Nonmetallic mining and quarrying, except fuel
058   Mining--allocated

067   General building contractors
068   General contractors, except building
069   Special trade contractors
077   Construction, n.s.
078   Construction--allocated

Durable Goods
      Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture
107      Logging
108      Sawmills, planing mills, and mill work
109      Miscellaneous wood products
118      Furniture and fixtures
      Stone, Clay, and Glass Products
119      Glass and glass products
127      Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster products
128      Structural clay products
137      Pottery and related products
138      Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral and stone products
      Metal Industries
139      Blast furnaces, steel works, rolling and finishing mills
147      Other primary iron and steel industries
148      Primary aluminum industries
149      Other primary nonferrous industries
157      Cutlery, hand tools, and other hardware
158      Fabricated structural metal products.
159      Screw machine products
167      Metal stamping
168      Miscellaneous fabricated metal products
169      Metal industries, n.s.
      Machinery, Except Electrical
177      Engines and turbines
178      Farm machinery and equipment
179      Construction and material handling machines
187      Metalworking machinery
188      Office and accounting machines
189      Electronic computing equipment
197      Machinery, except electrical, n.e.c.
198      Machinery, n.s.
      Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies
199      Household appliances
207      Radio, T.V., and communication equipment
208      Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies, n.e.c.
209      Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies, n.s.
      Transportation Equipment
219      Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment
227      Aircraft and parts
228      Ship and boat building and repairing
229      Railroad locomotives and equipment
237      Mobile dwellings and campers
238      Cycles and miscellaneous transportation equipment
      Professional and Photographic Equipment, and Watches
239      Scientific and controlling instruments
247      Optical and health services supplies
248      Photographic equipment and supplies
249      Watches, clocks, and clockwork-operated devices
257      Professional equipment, n.s.
258   Ordnance
259   Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
267   Manufacturing, durable goods--allocated

Nondurable Goods
      Food and Kindred Products
268      Meat products
269      Dairy products
278      Canning and preserving fruits, vegetables, and sea foods
279      Grain-mill products
287      Bakery products
288      Confectionery and related products
289      Beverage industries
297      Miscellaneous food preparation and kindred products
298      Food industries, n.s.
299      Tobacco manufactures
      Textile Mill Products
307      Knitting mills
308      Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool and knit goods
309      Floor coverings, except hard surface
317      Yarn, thread, and fabric mills
318      Miscellaneous textile mill products
      Apparel and Other Fabricated Textile Products
319      Apparel and accessories
327      Miscellaneous fabricated textile products
      Paper and Allied Products
328      Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills
329      Miscellaneous paper and pulp products
337      Paperboard containers and boxes
      Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industries
338      Newspaper publishing and printing
339      Printing, publishing, and allied industries, except newspapers
      Chemicals and Allied Products
347      Industrial chemicals
348      Plastics, synthetics and resins, except fibers
349      Synthetic fibers
357      Drugs and medicines
358      Soaps and cosmetics
359      Paints, varnishes, and related products
367      Agricultural chemicals
368      Miscellaneous chemicals
369      Chemicals and allied products, n.s.
      Petroleum and Coal Products
377      Petroleum refining
378      Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products
      Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products
379      Rubber products
387      Miscellaneous plastic products
      Leather and Leather Products
388      Tanned, curried, and finished leather
389      Footwear, except rubber
397      Leather products, except footwear
399   Manufacturing, nondurable goods--allocated
398   Manufacturing industries, n.s.

407   Railroads and railway express service
408   Street railways and bus lines
409   Taxicab service
417   Trucking service
418   Warehousing and storage
419   Water transportation
427   Air transportation
428   Pipe lines, except natural gas
429   Services incidental to transportation

447   Radio broadcasting and television
448   Telephone (wire and radio)
449   Telegraph and miscellaneous communication services

Utilities and Sanitary Services
467   Electric light and power
468   Electric-gas utilities
469   Gas and steam supply systems
477   Water supply
478   Sanitary services
479   Other and not specified utilities
499   Transportation, communications, and other public utilities--allocated

Wholesale Trade
507   Motor vehicles and equipment
508   Drugs, chemicals, and allied products
509   Dry goods and apparel
527   Food and related products
528   Farm products--raw materials
529   Electrical goods
537   Hardware, plumbing, and heating supplies
538   Electrical and hardware products, n.s.
539   Machinery equipment and supplies
557   Metals and minerals, n.e.c.
558   Petroleum products
559   Scrap and waste materials
567   Alcoholic beverages
568   Paper and its products
569   Lumber and construction materials
587   Wholesalers, n.e.c.
588   Wholesale trade, n.s.
599   Wholesale trade--allocated

Retail Trade
607   Lumber and building material retailing
608   Hardware and farm equipment stores
609   Department and mail order establishments
617   Limited price variety stores
618   Vending machine operators
619   Direct selling establishments
627   Miscellaneous general merchandise stores
628   Grocery stores
629   Dairy products stores
637   Retail bakeries
638   Food stores, n.e.c.
639   Motor vehicle dealers
647   Tire, battery, and accessory dealers
648   Gasoline service stations
649   Miscellaneous vehicle dealers
657   Apparel and accessories stores, except shoe stores
658   Shoe stores
667   Furniture and home furnishings stores
668   Household appliances, TV, and radio stores
669   Eating and drinking places
677   Drug stores
678   Liquor stores
679   Farm and garden supply stores
687   Jewelry stores
688   Fuel and ice dealers
689   Retail florists
697   Miscellaneous retail stores
698   Retail trade, n.s.
699   Retail trade--allocated

707   Banking
708   Credit agencies
709   Security, commodity brokerage, and investment companies
717   Insurance
718   Real estate, including real estate-insurance-law offices
719   Finance, insurance, and real estate--allocated

727   Advertising
728   Services to dwellings and other buildings
729   Commercial research, development, and testing labs
737   Employment and temporary help agencies
738   Business management and consulting services
739   Computer programming services
747   Detective and protective services
748   Business services, n.e.c.
749   Automobile services, except repair
757   Automobile repair and related services
758   Electrical repair shops
759   Miscellaneous repair services
767   Business and repair services--allocated

769   Private households
777   Hotels and motels
778   Lodging places, except hotels and motels
779   Laundering, cleaning, and other garment services
787   Beauty shops
788   Barber shops
789   Shoe repair shops
797   Dressmaking shops
798   Miscellaneous personal services
799   Personal services--allocated

807   Theaters and motion pictures
808   Bowling alleys, billiard and pool parlors
809   Miscellaneous entertainment and recreation services
817   Entertainment and recreation services--allocated

828   Offices of physicians
829   Offices of dentists
837   Offices of chiropractors
838   Hospitals
839   Convalescent institutions
847   Offices of health practitioners, n.e.c.
848   Health services, n.e.c.
849   Legal services
857   Elementary and secondary schools
858   Colleges and universities
859   Libraries
867   Educational services, n.e.c.
868   Educational services, n.s.
869   Museums, art galleries, and zoos
877   Religious organizations
878   Welfare services
879   Residential welfare facilities
887   Nonprofit membership organizations
888   Engineering and architectural services
889   Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services
897   Miscellaneous professional and related services
899   Professional and related services--allocated

907   Postal service
917   Federal public administration
927   State public administration
937   Local public administration
947   Public administration--allocated

997   Unemployed persons, last worked 1959 or earlier
999   Industry not reported