
July 20, 2004

allawi 'execution' watch, day 2

Just to make it clear; I don't know whether Iyad Allawi shot six people, but I know that the Sydney Morning Herald is a credible newspaper, and that claims with much less veracity have made it to the front page of, oh, the New York Times.

So, it'll be curious to see just when and how this story breaks into the U.S. news media. And not just in an offhand editorial comment in the New York Daily News.

Actually, that editorial closed with the following line:

Might we find in Allawi occasional touches of ruthlessness as time goes by? Could be. That's Iraq for you, after all. But everybody's better off doing business with this man than the last guy [emph. added]

Do they mean Bremer?!?

[UPDATE: Spencer Ackerman mentions the story at Iraqd, on TNR.]

Posted by robe0419 at July 20, 2004 01:20 PM | TrackBack
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