
August 31, 2004

Why Bush is not Churchill

The Republican National Convention is apparently hearing a lot of the oft-used comparison of George Bush to Winston Churchill.

Analogies are the worst form of reasoning from the past to the present because they rely on comparing just two cases. In any event, here's some random thoughts on why Bush is not Churchill, and why even the Republicans shouldn't be making that comparison.

  • Churchill didn't quit drinking.
  • After Churchill screwed up the invasion of Gallipoli he spent decades in the political wilderness.
  • Churchill's war cabinet included important members of the opposition Labour party.
  • Shortly after VE Day Churchill was soundly defeated in the 1945 election.
  • Churchill wrote books, and read others.
  • Churchill volunteered to serve overseas in the British Army
  • Churchill had been to foreign countries before he was elected Prime Minister, more times than Bush had been overseas before being elected President.
  • It seems that Churchill actually liked France, and thought it was worth saving.

Other than that, a great analogy.

Posted by robe0419 at August 31, 2004 11:10 AM | TrackBack
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