
March 23, 2005

Slow on the uptake ...

If Patty Wetterling is asking for money, she must be running for Senate more seriously than she says.

My dissertating mornings at home have been interrupted briefly the last few days with the cheery ring of people soliciting campaign contributions. As a non-citizen I have the perfect excuse for politely declining first R.T. Rybak's requests ... and now several days in a row Patty Wetterling's. (Not them personally calling, of course ...)

It took a while for the penny to drop. Wetterling's campaign called both Monday and Tuesday, and I think all they said was that they were calling from "Patty Wetterling's office." Today when I asked if I could take a message [for the U.S. citizen in the house] the woman replied "It's Patty Wetterling for Senate. We'll call back." I bet you will, I thought.

My anecdotal take on this is that you don't do three call backs if you're not running for office.

Posted by robe0419 at March 23, 2005 10:38 AM | TrackBack

I kicked in a few wasted bucks for Howard Dean last year, and now the DFL apparently thinks I'm George Soros. I get mail at least weekly from Patty W and I get numerous calls from the 320 area code. It seems that the central call center for DFL fundraising comes from 320. Seems odd that RT would want to pay long distance charges when it could be argued that all of his votes will come from the 612 area. Yesterday, while I was not home, I got 4 calls from 320. The day before that, I got two, one of which I answered but declined to contribute at the "affordable $100 level". The caller wouldn't take no for an answer, and though I tried to be polite, I eventually had to hang up on her.

Posted by: Jim at March 24, 2005 09:36 AM

Patty Wetterling is definitely running for Senate. She spoke on Friday night at the College Democrats convention at the U, as did Amy Klobuchar.

And, though I am partial to Patty Wetterling and would relish nothing more than seeing her stomp Mark Kennedy in a statewide rematch, I thought Klobuchar was a much better speaker and politician, and connected with the crowd more. The question is, will people who aren't Minneapolis liberals vote for her?

Posted by: Pat at April 4, 2005 10:23 AM
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