
July 26, 2006

What will they think of next?

Rubber sidewalks. Made by this company. I guess you couldn't really call them a "rubber pavement" (pavement being the British-Australasian term for sidewalk) since pavement kind of implies asphalt or conrete or cobblestones (little known trivia for runners: most sidewalks in Australasia are, in fact, asphalt, not concrete, meaning you don't face the devils choice of running in the street for ease on your joints but have to look out for cars versus running on the sidewalk to save yourself from lunatics in cars with greater stress on the body).

Anyway, the rubber sidewalks. What a thing! Think of the possibilities! Could you paint them red and put lanes on them with markers every 10 metres for pace judgment? What about a little inside rail to stop people cutting the corner on the way to the store or school?

Posted by eroberts at July 26, 2006 04:01 PM | TrackBack

It's funny that the article makes such a big deal about the health benefits of the more resilient, softer surface for pedestrians. I wonder how many hundreds of people across the country will ever walk or run on a stretch of rubber sidewalk longer than a few tens of meters? It's not like these sidewalks will ever be ubiquitous.

One can dream, I suppose...

Posted by: Eric at July 27, 2006 04:22 AM
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