
July 08, 2004

the American Revolution and cricket

All this talk about whether the cause of liberty and the abolition of slavery would have been retarded, or whether World War I would never have happened, if the American Revolution had not occured ventures so far into the speculative that everyone is ignoring the one safe counterfactual prediction we can make ...

Without the American Revolution, the national pastime would be cricket.

Random thoughts on this alternative world

  • The Canadians would also play cricket ... and matches between Canada and the U.S. would have the fervor of the India-Pakistan series.
  • With a large population, the American cricket team would generally do pretty well.
  • While the world is better off with both cricket and baseball, if we had to lose one, it would be less worse to lose baseball.
  • Cricket would rival soccer as a true world sport, rather than the present situation where cricket and baseball divide up the global audience.

Posted by robe0419 at July 8, 2004 08:35 PM | TrackBack
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