
July 09, 2004

Electoral interference

Not satisfied with it's stellar track record in ensuring that the party it opposed won the German, South Korean and Spanish elections, the Bush administration is now wading in, boots and all, to the Australian election, with Richard Armitage saying that "It looked to me like the [Australian Labor Party] was rent down the middle [about Iraq]."

What precisely is the difference between the Bush administration interfering in Australian politics, and their claim that

This election will be decided by the American people -- not by unnamed foreign leaders.

I can't follow the logic here: It's not OK for unnamed foreign leaders to have an opinion about the American election, which will be decided by the American people. But it is OK for American leaders to openly express their opinion about foreign elections?

Posted by robe0419 at July 9, 2004 01:30 PM | TrackBack
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