Temporary lull in a busy month ...
Anyway, these rankings of the top 500 universities (pointed out by Cliopatria and CultureCat) make me pleased to have moved up from a place out of the top 500 to one in the top 33.
The New Zealand universities on the list surprised me. Auckland and Otago are obvious, but the inclusion of Massey over Canterbury and Victoria does seem to reflect that Massey has a lot of [agricultural] scientists. Victoria and Canterbury have more humanities and social science, and their reputation is much higher in the region.
Posted by robe0419 at January 14, 2005 10:22 AM | TrackBackaldjf
Posted by: aslkjslkj at February 21, 2005 12:32 AMJust commenting on robe0419's comment.May be he doesnt know that Massey University is the largest educational institution in New Zealand in terms of students number.It has more facilities than any other universities in NZ.Staffs of Massey University are of world leaders in their field.Its veterinary and agricultural college is among the top 20 in the world.The only reason for it not being the top university in NZ is that,it doesnot have medical college.Victoria and canterbury are also good universities but they are way behind Massey,Auckland and Otago.Therefore Massey University's ranking in World's top universities can be easily justified.
Even here in the USA People know about the high reputation of Massey University.
Posted by: Smith at March 25, 2006 04:41 PM